Config file

Commands to configure the UDP in the config file:


These command are recommended to be placed before “rx_hostname” if it is used.

Source Port

Hardcoded in detector server, starting at 32410.

udp_srcip - Source IP

IP address of detector UDP interface to send packets from. Do not use for Eiger 1Gb interface (uses its hardware IP). For others, must be in the same subnet as udp_dstip.

udp_srcmac - Source MAC

MAC address of detector UDP interface to send packets from. Do not use for Eiger (uses hardware mac). For others, it is not necessary, but can help for switch and debugging to put unique values for each module.

udp_dstport - Desintation Port

Port in receiver pc to listen to packets from the detector.

udp_dstip - Destination IP

IP address of interface in receiver pc to listen to packets from detector. If auto is used (only when using slsReceiver/ slsMultiReceiver), the IP of rx_hostname is picked up.

udp_dstmac - Destination MAC

MAC address of interface in receiver pc to list to packets from detector. Only required when using custom receiver, else slsReceiver/slsMultiReceiver picks it up from udp_dstip.