Quick Start Guide


Start up detector (with cooling if required). Ensure both control server and stop server is running on-board.

Or use a detector simulator to test. Click here for further instructions.


One has to start the slsReceiver before loading config file or using any receiver commands (prefix: rx_ )
For a Single Module
# default port 1954

# custom port 2012
slsReceiver -t2012
For Multiple Modules
# slsMultiReceiver [starting port] [number of receivers] [print each frame header for debugging]
slsMultiReceiver 2012 2 0


Refer Sample Config file to create config file.

# load config file
sls_detector_put config /path/sample.config

# set number of frames
sls_detector_put frames 5

# acquire

Sample Config file

There are sample config files for each detector in slsDetectorPackage/examples folder.

For a Single Module
# connects to module
hostname bchipxxx

# connects to receiver at default port
rx_hostname mpc1922
# or to connect to specific port
# rx_hostname mpc1922:2012

# sets destination udp ports (not needed, default is 50001)
udp_dstport 50012

# 1g data out
# source udp ips must be same subnet at destintaion udp ips
# udp_srcip
# destination udp ip picked up from rx_hostname (if auto)
# udp_dstip auto

# 10g data out

# set file path
fpath /tmp
For a Single Module with custom Receiver (not slsReceiver)
# connects to module
hostname bchipxxx

# sets destination udp ports (not needed, default is 50001)
udp_dstport 50012

# source udp ips must be same subnet at destintaion udp ips

# destination udp ip

# source udp mac
udp_srcmac aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff

# destination udp mac
udp_dstmac 3c:ab:98:bf:50:60

# set file path
fpath /tmp
For Multiple Modules
# connects to mulitple modules
hostname bchipxxx+bchipyyy+

# tcp port increases for each module (multi detector command)
rx_tcpport 2012

# connects to receivers at ports 2012 and 2014
rx_hostname mpc1922

# increasing udp ports (multi detector command)
udp_dstport 50012

# source udp ips must be same subnet at destintaion udp ips

# destination udp ip picked up from rx_hostname (if auto)
udp_dstip auto

# set file path
fpath /tmp


Compile with SLS_USE_GUI=ON in cmake or -g option in cmk.sh script. One can also just use the conda binary. Refer installation instructions.



The streaming high water mark (commmand: rx_zmqhwm) and the receiving high water mark (command: zmqhwm) is by default the lib zmq’s default (currently 1000).
At Gui startup, these values are set to 2. Hence, for very fast detectors, many frames will be dropped to be able to view the latest in the gui.
One can still change this setting in the gui in the Plot tab (ZMQ Streaming), from the command line or API.
Both hwm’s can be set to a -1 to use the lib’s default.
Since the dummy end of acquisition packet streamed from receiver might also be lost, receiver restreams until gui acknowledges.