Command line interface
Commands can be used either with sls_detector_get or sls_detector_put
sls_detector_get exptime
# get list of commands
sls_detector_get list
# search for a particular command using a word
sls_detector_get list | grep adc
# get help for a particular command
sls_detector_get -h fpath
sls_detector_help fpath
# list of deprecated commands
list deprecated
# autocompletion
# or must be sourced from the
# main package folder to enable auto completion of commands and arguments
# for the command line on that shell.
- acquire
- Acquire the number of frames set up.Blocking command, where control server is blocked and cannot accept other commands until acquisition is done.- sets acquiring flag- starts the receiver listener (if enabled)- starts detector acquisition for number of frames set- monitors detector status from running to idle- stops the receiver listener (if enabled)- increments file index if file write enabled- resets acquiring flag
- activate [0, 1]
- [Eiger] 1 is default. 0 deactivates readout and does not send data.
- adcclk [n_clk in MHz]
- [Ctb] ADC clock frequency in MHz.
- adcenable [bitmask]
- [Ctb] ADC Enable Mask for 1Gb Enable for each 32 ADC channel.
- adcenable10g [bitmask]
- [Ctb] ADC Enable Mask for 10Gb mode for each 32 ADC channel. However, if any of a consecutive 4 bits are enabled, the complete 4 bits are enabled.
- adcindex [name]
- [Ctb][Xilinx_Ctb] Get the adc index for the given name.
- adcinvert [bitmask]
- [Ctb][Jungfrau][Moench] ADC Inversion Mask.[Jungfrau][Moench] Inversions on top of the default mask.
- adclist [adcname1 adcname2 .. adcname32]
- [Ctb][Xilinx_Ctb] Set the list of adc names for this board.
- adcname [0-31][name]
- [Ctb][Xilinx_Ctb] Set the adc at the given position to the given name.
- adcphase [n_value] [(optional)deg]
- [Jungfrau][Moench][Ctb][Gotthard] Phase shift of ADC clock.[Jungfrau][Moench] Absolute phase shift. If deg used, then shift in degrees. Changing Speed also resets adcphase to recommended defaults.[Ctb] Absolute phase shift. If deg used, then shift in degrees. Changing adcclk also resets adcphase and sets it to previous values.[Gotthard] Relative phase shift. Cannot get
- adcpipeline [n_value]
- [Ctb][Moench] Pipeline for ADC clock.
- adcreg [address] [value]
- [Jungfrau][Moench][Ctb][Gotthard] Writes to an adc register in hex. Advanced user Function!
- adcvpp [dac or mV value][(optional unit) mV]
- [Ctb] Vpp of ADC.0 -> 1V ; 1 -> 1.14V ; 2 -> 1.33V ; 3 -> 1.6V ; 4 -> 2V.Advanced User function!
- apulse [0, 1]
- [Mythen3] Enables or disables analog pulsing. Default is disabled
- asamples [n_samples]
- [Ctb] Number of analog samples expected.
- autocompdisable [0, 1]
- [Jungfrau] Auto comparator disable mode. By default, the on-chip gain switching is active during the entire exposure.This mode disables the on - chip gain switching comparator automatically after 93.75% (only for chipv1.0) of exposure time (only for longer than 100us). It is possible to set the duration for chipv1.1 using compdisabletime command.Default is 0 or this mode disabled(comparator enabled throughout). 1 enables mode. 0 disables mode.
- badchannels [fname|none|0]
- [Gotthard2][Mythen3] Sets the bad channels (from file of bad channel numbers) to be masked out. None or 0 unsets all the badchannels.[Mythen3] Also does trimming
- blockingtrigger
- [Eiger][Jungfrau][Moench] Sends software trigger signal to detector and blocks till the frames are sent out for that trigger.
- burstmode [burst_internal or 0, burst_external or 1, cw_internal or 2, cw_external or 3]
- [Gotthard2] Default is burst_internal type. Also changes clkdiv 2, 3, 4
- burstperiod [duration] [(optional unit) ns|us|ms|s]
- [Gotthard2] Period between 2 bursts. Only in burst mode and auto timing mode.
- bursts [n_bursts]
- [Gotthard2] Number of bursts per aquire. Only in auto timing mode and burst mode. Use timing command to set timing mode and burstmode command to set burst mode.
- burstsl
- [Gotthard2] Number of bursts left in acquisition. Only in burst auto mode.
- bustest
- [Jungfrau][Moench][Gotthard][Mythen3][Gotthard2][Ctb] Bus test, ie. Writes different values in a R/W register and confirms the writes to check bus.Advanced User function!
- cdsgain [0, 1]
- [Gotthard2] Enable or disable CDS gain. Default is disabled.
- chipversion
- [Jungfrau] Returns chip version. Can be 1.0 or 1.1
- clearbit [reg address in hex] [bit index]
- Clears bit in address.Use –validate to force validation.
- clearbusy
- If acquisition aborted during acquire command, use this to clear acquiring flag in shared memory before starting next acquisition
- clearroi
- [Gotthard] Resets Region of interest in detector. All channels enabled. Default is all channels enabled.
- clientversion
- Client software version
- clkdiv [n_clock] [n_divider]
- [Gotthard2][Mythen3] Clock Divider of clock n_clock. Must be greater than 1.[Gotthard2] Clock index range: 0-5[Mythen3] Clock index range: 0
- clkfreq [n_clock] [freq_in_Hz]
- [Gotthard2][Mythen3] Frequency of clock n_clock in Hz. Use clkdiv to set frequency.[Gotthard2] Clock index range: 0-5[Mythen3] Clock index range: 0
- clkphase [n_clock] [phase] [deg (optional)]
- [Gotthard2][Mythen3] Phase of clock n_clock. If deg, then phase shift in degrees, else absolute phase shift values.n [Gotthard2] Clock index range: 0-5[Mythen3] Clock index range: 0
- collectionmode [hole|electron]
- [Jungfrau] Sets collection mode to hole or electron. Default is hole.
- column [value]
- Set Detector column (udp header) to value.Gui uses it to rearrange for complete image
- compdisabletime [duration] [(optional unit) ns|us|ms|s]
- [Jungfrau] Time before end of exposure when comparator is disabled. It is only possible for chipv1.1.
- confadc [chip index 0-9, -1 for all] [adc index 0-31, -1 for all] [7 bit configuration value in hex]
- [Gotthard2] Sets configuration for specific chip and adc, but configures 1 chip (all adcs for that chip) at a time.
- config
- Frees shared memory before loading configuration file. Set up once.
- configtransceiver
- [Xilinx Ctb] Waits for transceiver to be aligned. Chip had to be configured (powered on) before this.
- counters [i0] [i1] [i2]…
- [Mythen3] List of counters indices enabled. Each element in list can be 0 - 2 and must be non repetitive. Enabling counters sets vth dacs to remembered values and disabling sets them to disabled values.
- currentsource
- [0|1][Gotthard2] Enable or disable current source. Default is disabled.[0|1] [fix|nofix] [select source] [(only for chipv1.1)normal|low][Jungfrau] Disable or enable current source with some parameters. The select source is 0-63 for chipv1.0 and a 64 bit mask for chipv1.1. To disable, one needs only one argument ‘0’.
- dac dac [dac name] [dac or mV value] [(optional unit) mV]
- [Ctb] Use dac index for dac name.
- dacindex [name]
- [Ctb][Xilinx_Ctb] Get the dac index for the given name.
- daclist [dacname1 dacname2 .. dacname18]
- [Ctb][Xilinx_Ctb] Set the list of dac names for this detector.[All] Gets the list of dac names for every dac for this detector.
- dacname [0-17][name]
- [Ctb][Xilinx_Ctb] Set the dac at the given position to the given name.
- dacvalues [(optional unit) mV]
- Gets the values for every dac for this detector.
- datastream [left|right] [0, 1]
- [Eiger] Enables or disables data streaming from left or/and right side of detector for 10 GbE mode. 1 (enabled) by default.
- dbitclk [n_clk in MHz]
- [Ctb] Clock for latching the digital bits in MHz.
- dbitphase [n_value] [(optional)deg]
- [Ctb][Jungfrau] Phase shift of clock to latch digital bits. Absolute phase shift. If deg used, then shift in degrees.[Ctb]Changing dbitclk also resets dbitphase and sets to previous values.
- dbitpipeline [n_value]
- [Ctb][Gotthard2] Pipeline of the clock for latching digital bits.[Gotthard2] Options: 0-7[Ctb] Options: 0-255
- defaultdac [dac name][value][(optional)setting]
- Sets the default for that dac to this value.[Jungfrau][Moench][Mythen3] When settings is provided, it sets the default value only for that setting
- defaultpattern
- [Mythen3] Loads and runs default pattern in pattern generator. It is to go back to initial settings.
- delay [duration] [(optional unit) ns|us|ms|s]
- [Jungfrau][Moench][Gotthard][Mythen3][Gotthard2][Ctb][Moench][Xilinx Ctb] Delay after trigger
- delayl
- [Gotthard][Jungfrau][Moench][Mythen3][Gotthard2][Ctb][Xilinx Ctb] Delay Left in Acquisition.[Gotthard2] only in continuous mode.
- detectorserverversion
- On-board detector server software version
- detsize [nx] [ny]
- Detector size, ie. Number of channels in x and y dim. This is used to calculate module coordinates included in UDP data.By default, it adds module in y dimension for 2d detectors and in x dimension for 1d detectors packet header.
- diodelay [0-775]
- [Ctb] Delay for diode. Delay is in ps and max of 775 ps. Resolution is 25 ps.
- dpulse [0, 1]
- [Mythen3] Enables or disables digital pulsing. Default is disabled
- dr [value]
- Dynamic Range or number of bits per pixel in detector.[Eiger] Options: 4, 8, 12, 16, 32. If set to 32, also sets clkdivider to 2, else to 0.[Mythen3] Options: 8, 16, 32[Jungfrau][Moench][Gotthard][Ctb][Mythen3][Gotthard2][Xilinx Ctb] 16
- drlist
- Gets the list of dynamic ranges for this detector.
- dsamples [n_value]
- [Ctb] Number of digital samples expected.
- execcommand [command]
- Executes command on detector server console.
- exptime [duration] [(optional unit) ns|us|ms|s]
- [Eiger][Jungfrau][Moench][Gotthard][Gotthard2][Ctb][Xilinx Ctb] Exposure time[Mythen3] Exposure time of all gate signals in auto and trigger mode (internal gating). To specify gate index, use exptime1, exptime2, exptime3.
- exptime1 [n_value]
- [Mythen3] Exposure time of gate signal 1 in auto and trigger mode (internal gating).
- exptime2 [n_value]
- [Mythen3] Exposure time of gate signal 2 in auto and trigger mode (internal gating).
- exptime3 [n_value]
- [Mythen3] Exposure time of gate signal 3 in auto and trigger mode (internal gating).
- exptimel [(optional unit) ns|us|ms|s]
- [Gotthard] Exposure time left for current frame.
- extrastoragecells [0-15]
- [Jungfrau] Only for chipv1.0. Number of additional storage cells. Default is 0. For advanced users only.The #images = #frames x #triggers x (#extrastoragecells + 1).
- extsampling [0, 1]
- [Ctb] Enable for external sampling signal for digital data to signal by extsampling src command. For advanced users only.
- extsamplingsrc [0-63]
- [Ctb] Sampling source signal for digital data. For advanced users only.
- extsig [n_signal] [signal_type]
- [Gotthard][Mythen3] External signal mode for trigger timing mode.[Gotthard] [0] [trigger_in_rising_edge|trigger_in_falling_edge][Mythen3] [0-7] [trigger_in_rising_edge|trigger_in_falling_edge|inversion_on|inversion_off]where 0 is master input trigger signal, 1-3 is master input gate signals, 4 is busy out signal and 5-7 is master output gate signals.
- fformat [binary|hdf5]
- File format of data file. For HDF5, package must be compiled with HDF5 flags. Default is binary.
- filtercells [0-12]
- [Jungfrau] Set Filter Cell. Only for chipv1.1. Advanced user Command
- filterresistor [value] [Gotthard2][Jungfrau] Set filter resistor. Increasing values for increasing resistance.
- [Gotthard2] Options: [0|1|2|3]. Default is 0.[Jungfrau] Options: [0|1]. Default is 1.
- findex [n_value]
- File or Acquisition index.
- firmwaretest
- [Jungfrau][Moench][Gotthard][Mythen3][Gotthard2][Ctb][Xilinx Ctb] Firmware test, ie. reads a read fixed pattern from a register.
- firmwareversion
- Firmware version of detector in format [0xYYMMDD] or an increasing 2 digit number for Eiger.
- fliprows [0, 1]
- [Eiger] flips rows paramater sent to slsreceiver to stream as json parameter to flip rows in gui[Jungfrau][Moench] flips rows in the detector itself. For bottom module and number of interfaces must be set to 2. slsReceiver and slsDetectorGui does not handle.
- flowcontrol10g [0, 1]
- [Eiger][Jungfrau][Moench] 10GbE Flow Control.
- fmaster [0, 1]
- Enable or disable receiver master file. Default is 1.
- fname [name]
- File name prefix for output data file. Default is run. File name: [file name prefix]_d[detector index]_f[sub file index]_[acquisition/file index].raw.
- foverwrite [0, 1]
- Enable or disable file overwriting. Default is 1.
- fpath [path]
- Directory where output data files are written in receiver. Default is ‘/’.If path does not exist and fwrite enabled, it will try to create it at start of acquisition.
- framecounter
- [Jungfrau][Moench][Mythen3][Gotthard2][Ctb][Xilinx Ctb] Number of frames from start run control.[Gotthard2] only in continuous mode.
- frames [n_frames]
- Number of frames per acquisition. In trigger mode, number of frames per trigger.Cannot be set in modular level.In scan mode, number of frames is set to number of steps.[Gotthard2] Burst mode has a maximum of 2720 frames.
- framesl
- [Gotthard][Jungfrau][Moench][Mythen3][Gotthard2][Ctb][Xilinx Ctb] Number of frames left in acquisition.[Gotthard2] only in continuous auto mode.
- frametime [(optional unit) ns|us|ms|s]
- [Jungfrau][Moench][Mythen3][Gotthard2][Ctb][Xilinx Ctb] Timestamp at a frame start.[Gotthard2] not in burst and auto mode.
- free free
- Free detector shared memory
- fwrite [0, 1]
- Enable or disable receiver file write. Default is 0.
- gaincaps [cap1, cap2, …]
- [Mythen3] gain, options: C10pre, C15sh, C30sh, C50sh, C225ACsh, C15pre
- gainmode [dynamic|forceswitchg1|forceswitchg2|fixg1|fixg2|fixg0]
- [Jungfrau] Gain mode.CAUTION: Do not use fixg0 without caution, you can damage the detector!!!
- gappixels [0, 1]
- [Eiger][Jungfrau][Moench] Include Gap pixels in client data call back in Detecor api. Will not be in detector streaming, receiver file or streaming. Default is 0.
- gatedelay [duration] [(optional unit) ns|us|ms|s]
- [Mythen3] Gate Delay of all gate signals in auto and trigger mode (internal gating).
- gatedelay1 [duration] [(optional unit) ns|us|ms|s]
- [Mythen3] Gate Delay of gate signal 1 in auto and trigger mode (internal gating).
- gatedelay2 [duration] [(optional unit) ns|us|ms|s]
- [Mythen3] Gate Delay of gate signal 2 in auto and trigger mode (internal gating).
- gatedelay3 [duration] [(optional unit) ns|us|ms|s]
- [Mythen3] Gate Delay of gate signal 3 in auto and trigger mode (internal gating).
- gates [n_gates]
- [Mythen3] Number of external gates in gating or trigger_gating mode (external gating).
- getbit [reg address in hex] [bit index]
- Gets bit in address.
- hardwareversion
- Hardware version of detector.[Eiger] Hardware version of front FPGA on detector.
- highvoltage [n_value]
- High voltage to the sensor in Voltage.[Gotthard] [0|90|110|120|150|180|200][Eiger][Mythen3][Gotthard2] 0-200[Jungfrau][Moench][Ctb] [0|60-200]
- hostname
- Frees shared memory and sets hostname (or IP address) of all modules concatenated by +.Virtual servers can already use the port in hostname separated by ‘:’ and ports incremented by 2 to accomodate the stop server as well.
- im_a
- [Ctb] Measured current of power supply a in mA.
- im_b
- [Ctb] Measured current of power supply b in mA.
- im_c
- [Ctb] Measured current of power supply c in mA.
- im_d
- [Ctb] Measured current of power supply d in mA.
- im_io
- [Ctb] Measured current of power supply io in mA.
- imagetest [0, 1]
- [Gotthard] 1 adds channel intensity with precalculated values when taking an acquisition. Default is 0.[Eiger][Jungfrau][Moench] Only for Virtual servers. If 0, each pixel intensity incremented by 1. If 1, all pixels almost saturated.
- initialchecks [0, 1]
- [Mythen3][Gotthard2] Enable or disable intial compatibility and other checks at detector start up. It is enabled by default. Must come before ‘hostname’ command to take effect. Can be used to reprogram fpga when current firmware is incompatible.Advanced User function!
- inj_ch [offset] [increment]
- [Gotthard2] Inject channels with current source for calibration. Offset is starting channel that is injected, increment determines succeeding channels to be injected.
- interpolation [0, 1]
- [Mythen3] Enables or disables interpolation. Default is disabled. Interpolation mode enables all counters and disables vth3. Disabling sets back counter mask and vth3.
- interruptsubframe [0, 1]
- [Eiger] 1 interrupts last subframe at required exposure time. 0 will wait for last sub frame to finish exposing. 0 is default.
- kernelversion
- Get kernel version on the detector including time and date.
- lastclient
- Client IP Address that last communicated with the detector.
- led [0, 1]
- [Ctb] Switches on/off all LEDs.
- list [deprecated(optional)]
- lists all available commands, list deprecated - list deprecated commands
- lock [0, 1]
- Lock detector to one IP, 1: locks. Default is unlocked
- master [0, 1]
- [Eiger][Gotthard2][Jungfrau][Moench] Sets (half) module to master and other(s) to slaves.[Gotthard][Gotthard2][Mythen3][Eiger][Jungfrau][Moench] Gets if the current (half) module is master.
- maxadcphaseshift
- [Jungfrau][Moench][Ctb] Absolute maximum Phase shift of ADC clock.
- maxclkphaseshift [n_clock]
- [Gotthard2][Mythen3] Absolute Maximum Phase shift of clock n_clock.n [Gotthard2] Clock index range: 0-5[Mythen3] Clock index range: 0
- maxdbitphaseshift
- [Ctb][Jungfrau] Absolute maximum Phase shift of of the clock to latch digital bits.
- measuredperiod [(optional unit) ns|us|ms|s]
- [Eiger] Measured frame period between last frame and previous one. Can be measured with minimum 2 frames in an acquisition.
- measuredsubperiod [(optional unit) ns|us|ms|s]
- [Eiger] Measured sub frame period between last sub frame and previous one.
- moduleid
- [Gotthard2][Eiger][Mythen3][Jungfrau][Moench] 16 bit value (ideally unique) that is streamed out in the UDP header of the detector. Picked up from a file on the module.
- [Eiger][Jungfrau][Moench][Ctb][Xilinx Ctb][Gotthard2] Next frame number. Stopping acquisition might result in different frame numbers for different modules. So, after stopping, next frame number (max + 1) is set for all the modules afterwards.
- nmod
- Number of modules in shared memory.
- numinterfaces [1, 2]
- [Jungfrau][Moench] Number of udp interfaces to stream data from detector. Default: 1.Also enables second interface in receiver for listening (Writes a file per interface if writing enabled).Also restarts client and receiver zmq sockets if zmq streaming enabled.[Eiger] Only gets with result 2.
- overflow [0, 1]
- [Eiger] Enable or disable show overflow flag in 32 bit mode. Default is disabled.
- packageversion
- Package version.
- parallel [0, 1]
- [Eiger][Mythen3][Gotthard2][Moench] Enable or disable parallel mode.[Mythen3] If exptime is too short, the acquisition will return ERROR status and take fewer frames than expected.[Mythen3][Eiger][Moench] Default: Non parallel.[Gotthard2] Default: Parallel. Non parallel mode works only in continuous mode.
- parameters
- Sets detector measurement parameters to those contained in fname. Set up per measurement.
- partialreset [0, 1]
- [Eiger] Sets up detector to do partial or complete reset at start of acquisition. 0 complete reset, 1 partial reset. Default is complete reset. Advanced function!
- patfname
- [Ctb][Mythen3][Xilinx Ctb] Gets the pattern file name including path of the last pattern uploaded. Returns an empty if nothing was uploaded or via a server default file
- patioctrl [64 bit mask]
- [Ctb] 64 bit mask defining input (0) and output (1) signals.
- patlimits [start addr] [stop addr]
- [Ctb][Mythen3][Xilinx Ctb] Limits of complete pattern
- patloop [0-6] [start addr] [stop addr]
- [Ctb][Mythen3][Xilinx Ctb] Limits of the loop level provided.[Mythen3] Level options: 0-3 only.
- patloop0
- Deprecated command. Use patloop.
- patloop1
- Deprecated command. Use patloop.
- patloop2
- Deprecated command. Use patloop.
- patmask [64 bit mask]
- [Ctb][Mythen3][Xilinx Ctb] Selects the bits that will have a pattern mask applied to the selected patmask for every pattern.
- patnloop [0-6] [n_cycles]
- [Ctb][Mythen3][Xilinx Ctb] Number of cycles of the loop level provided.[Mythen3] Level options: 0-3 only.
- patnloop0
- Deprecated command. Use patnloop.
- patnloop1
- Deprecated command. Use patnloop.
- patnloop2
- Deprecated command. Use patnloop.
- patsetbit [64 bit mask]
- [Ctb][Mythen3][Xilinx Ctb] Sets the mask applied to every pattern to the selected bits.
- patternX [fname]
- [Mythen3][Ctb][Xilinx Ctb] Loads ASCII pattern file directly to server (instead of executing line by line)
- patternstart
- [Mythen3] Starts Pattern
- patwait [0-6] [addr]
- [Ctb][Mythen3][Xilinx Ctb] Wait address for loop level provided.[Mythen3] Level options: 0-3 only.
- patwait0
- Deprecated command. Use patwait.
- patwait1
- Deprecated command. Use patwait.
- patwait2
- Deprecated command. Use patwait.
- patwaittime [0-6] [n_clk]
- [Ctb][Mythen3][Xilinx Ctb] Wait time in clock cycles for the loop provided.[Mythen3] Level options: 0-3 only.
- patwaittime0
- Deprecated command. Use patwaittime.
- patwaittime1
- Deprecated command. Use patwaittime.
- patwaittime2
- Deprecated command. Use patwaittime.
- patword [step or address] [64 bit mask]
- [Ctb][Mythen3][Xilinx Ctb] 64 bit pattern at address of pattern memory.[Ctb] read is same as executing pattern
- pedestalmode [frames<uint8_t>] [loops<uint16_t>]
- [Jungfrau] Enable pedestal mode.The number of frames or triggers is overwritten by:(#pedestal_frames x #pedestal_loops x 2).In auto timing mode or in trigger mode with #frames > 1,#frames is overwritten and #triggers = 1,else #triggers is overwritten and #frames = 1.One cannot set #frames, #triggers or timing mode in pedestal mode (exception thrown).pedestalmode [0][Jungfrau] Disable pedestal mode.Disabling pedestal mode will set back the normal mode values of #frames and #triggers.
- period [duration] [(optional unit) ns|us|ms|s]
- Period between frames
- periodl
- [Gotthard][Jungfrau][Moench][Ctb][Mythen3][Gotthard2][Xilinx Ctb] Period left for current frame.[Gotthard2] only in continuous mode.
- polarity [pos|neg]
- [Mythen3] Sets negative or positive polarity. Default is positive
- port [n]
- Port number of the control server on detector for detector-client tcp interface. Default is 1952. Normally unchanged. Set different ports for virtual servers on same pc.
- powerchip [0, 1]
- [Jungfrau][Moench][Mythen3][Gotthard2][Xilinx Ctb] Power the chip.[Jungfrau][Moench] Default is 0. Get will return power status. Can be off if temperature event occured (temperature over temp_threshold with temp_control enabled. Will configure chip (only chip v1.1)[Mythen3][Gotthard2] Default is 1. If module not connected or wrong module, powerchip will fail.[Xilinx Ctb] Default is 0. Also configures the chip if powered on.
- powerindex [name]
- [Ctb][Xilinx_Ctb] Get the power index for the given name.
- powerlist [powername1 powername2 .. powername4]
- [Ctb][Xilinx_Ctb] Set the list of power names for this board.
- powername [0-4][name]
- [Ctb][Xilinx_Ctb] Set the power at the given position to the given name.
- powervalues [name]
- [Ctb][Xilinx_Ctb] Get values of all powers.
- programfpga [fname.pof | fname.rbf (full path)][(opitonal)–force-delete-normal-file]
- [Jungfrau][Moench][Ctb] Programs FPGA from pof file (full path). Then, detector controller is rebooted.Use –force-delete-normal-file argument, if normal file found in device tree, it must be deleted, a new device drive created and programming continued.[Mythen3][Gotthard2] Programs FPGA from rbf file (full path). Then, detector controller is rebooted.
- pulse [n_times] [x] [y]
- [Eiger] Pulse pixel n number of times at coordinates (x, y). Advanced User!
- pulsechip [n_times]
- [Eiger] Pulse chip n times. If n is -1, resets to normal mode (reset chip completely at start of acquisition, where partialreset = 0). Advanced User!
- pulsenmove [n_times] [x] [y]
- [Eiger] Pulse pixel n number of times and moves relatively by (x, y). Advanced User!
- pumpprobe [0, 1]
- [Mythen3] Enables or disables pump probe mode. Default is disabled. Pump probe mode only enables vth2. Disabling sets back to previous value.
- quad [0, 1]
- [Eiger] Sets detector size to a quad. 0 (disabled) is default. (Specific hardware required).
- ratecorr [n_rate (in ns)]
- [Eiger] Dead time correction constant in ns. -1 will set to default tau of settings from trimbit file. 0 will unset rate correction.
- readnrows
- [1-256][Eiger] Number of rows to readout per half module starting from the centre. Options: 0 - 256. 256 is default. The permissible values depend on dynamic range and 10Gbe enabled.[8-512 (multiple of 8)][Jungfrau] Number of rows per module starting from the centre. Options: 8 - 512, must be multiples of 8. Default is 512.[Moench] Number of rows per module starting from the centre. Options:16 - 400, must be multiples of 16. Default is 400.
- readout
- [Mythen3] Starts detector readout. Status changes to TRANSMITTING and automatically returns to idle at the end of readout.
- readoutspeed
- [0 or full_speed|1 or half_speed|2 or quarter_speed][Eiger][Jungfrau][Moench][Mythen3] Readout speed of chip.[Eiger][Moench] Default speed is full_speed.[Jungfrau][Mythen3] Default speed is half_speed.[Jungfrau] full_speed option only available from v2.0 boards and is recommended to set number of interfaces to 2. Also overwrites adcphase to recommended default.[144|108][Gotthard2] Readout speed of chip in MHz. Default is 108.
- readoutspeedlist
- List of readout speed levels implemented for this detector.
- rebootcontroller
- [Jungfrau][Moench][Ctb][Gotthard][Mythen3][Gotthard2][Xilinx Ctb] Reboot controller of detector.
- reg [address] [32 bit value][(optional)–validate]
- [Mythen3][Gotthard2] Reads/writes to a 32 bit register in hex. Advanced Function!Goes to stop server. Hence, can be called while calling blocking acquire().Use –validate to force validation when writing to it.[Eiger] +0x100 for only left, +0x200 for only right.
- resetdacs [(optional) hard]
- [Eiger][Jungfrau][Moench][Gotthard][Gotthard2][Mythen3]Reset dac values to the defaults. A ‘hard’ optional reset will reset the dacs to the hardcoded defaults in on-board detector server.
- resetfpga
- [Jungfrau][Moench][Ctb][Xilinx Ctb] Reset FPGA.
- roi [xmin] [xmax]
- [Gotthard] Region of interest in detector.Options: Only a single ROI per module.Either all channels or a single adc or 2 chips (256 channels). Default is all channels enabled (-1 -1).
- romode [analog|digital|analog_digital|transceiver|digital_transceiver]
- [Ctb][xilinx Ctb] Readout mode. [Ctb] Default is analog. [Xilinx Ctb] Default is Transceiver (only one implemented so far)
- row [value]
- Set Detector row (udp header) to value.Gui uses it to rearrange for complete image
- runclk [n_clk in MHz]
- [Ctb] Run clock in MHz.
- runtime [(optional unit) ns|us|ms|s]
- [Jungfrau][Moench][Mythen3][Gotthard2][Ctb][Xilinx Ctb] Time from detector start up.[Gotthard2] not in burst and auto mode.
- rx_arping [0, 1]
- Starts a thread in slsReceiver to arping the interface it is listening to every minute. Useful in 10G mode.
- rx_clearroi
- Resets Region of interest in receiver. Default is all channels/pixels enabled.
- rx_dbitlist [all] or [i0] [i1] [i2]…
- [Ctb] List of digital signal bits read out. If all is used instead of a list, all digital bits (64) enabled. Each element in list can be 0 - 63 and must be non repetitive.
- rx_dbitoffset [n_bytes]
- [Ctb] Offset in bytes in digital data to skip in receiver.
- rx_discardpolicy [nodiscard (default)|discardempty|discardpartial(fastest)]
- Frame discard policy of receiver. nodiscard does not discard frames, discardempty discards empty frames, discardpartial discards partial frames.
- rx_fifodepth [n_frames]
- Set the number of frames in the receiver fifo depth (buffer between listener and writer threads).
- rx_frameindex
- Current frame index received for each port in receiver during acquisition.
- rx_framescaught
- Number of frames caught by each port in receiver.
- rx_framesperfile [n_frames]
- Number of frames per file in receiver in an acquisition. Default depends on detector type. 0 is infinite or all frames in single file.
- rx_hostname [hostname or ip address]
- [hostname or ip address]:[tcp port][hostname1]:[tcp_port1]+[hostname2]:[tcp_port2]+Receiver hostname or IP. If port included, then the receiver tcp port.Used for TCP control communication between client and receiver to configure receiver. Also updates receiver with detector parameters. Also resets any prior receiver property (not on detector).
- rx_jsonaddheader [key1] [value1] [key2] [value2]…[keyn] [valuen]
- Additional json header to be streamed out from receiver via zmq. Default is empty. Max 20 characters for each key/value. Use only if to be processed by an intermediate user process listening to receiver zmq packets. Empty value deletes header.
- rx_jsonpara [key1] [value1]
- [Receiver] Additional json header parameter streamed out from receiver. If not found in header, the pair is appended. An empty values deletes parameter. Max 20 characters for each key/value.
- rx_lastclient
- Client IP Address that last communicated with the receiver.
- rx_lock [0, 1]
- Lock receiver to one client IP, 1 locks, 0 unlocks. Default is unlocked.
- rx_missingpackets
- Number of missing packets for receiver. If negative, they are packets in excess.
- rx_padding [0, 1]
- Partial frames padding enable in the receiver. Default: enabled. Disabling is fastest.
- rx_printconfig
- Prints the receiver configuration.
- rx_realudpsocksize
- Actual udp socket buffer size. Double the size of rx_udpsocksize due to kernel bookkeeping.
- rx_roi [xmin] [xmax] [ymin] [ymax]
- Region of interest in receiver.Only allowed at multi module level and without gap pixels.
- rx_silent [0, 1]
- Switch on or off receiver text output during acquisition.
- rx_start
- Starts receiver listener for detector data packets and create a data file (if file write enabled).
- rx_status [running, idle, transmitting]
- Receiver listener status.
- rx_stop
- Stops receiver listener for detector data packets and closes current data file (if file write enabled).
- rx_tcpport [port]
- TCP port for client-receiver communication. Default is 1954. Must be different if multiple receivers on same pc. Must be first command to set a receiver parameter. Multi command will automatically increment for individual modules.
- rx_threads
- Get kernel thread ids from the receiver in order of [parent, tcp, listener 0, processor 0, streamer 0, listener 1, processor 1, streamer 1, arping]. If no streamer yet or there is no second interface, it gives 0 in its place.
- rx_udpsocksize [n_size]
- UDP socket buffer size in receiver. Tune rmem_default and rmem_max accordingly. Max value is INT_MAX/2.
- rx_version
- Receiver version
- rx_zmqfreq [nth frame]
- Frequency of frames streamed out from receiver via zmqDefault: 1, Means every frame is streamed out.If 2, every second frame is streamed out.If 0, streaming timer is the timeout, after which current frame is sent out. (default timeout is 500 ms). Usually used for gui purposes.
- rx_zmqhwm [n_value]
- Receiver’s zmq send high water mark. Default is the zmq library’s default (1000). This is a high number and can be set to 2 for gui purposes. One must also set the client’s receive high water mark to similar value. Final effect is sum of them. Also restarts receiver zmq streaming if enabled. Can set to -1 to set default value.
- rx_zmqip
- [deprecated] The receiver zmq socket (publisher) will listen to all interfaces (’tcp://[port]’to all interfaces (from v9.0.0). This command does nothing and will be removed (from v10.0.0). This change makes no difference to the user.
- rx_zmqport [port]
- Zmq port for data to be streamed out of the receiver. Also restarts receiver zmq streaming if enabled. Default is 30001. Modified only when using an intermediate process between receiver and client(gui). Must be different for every detector (and udp port). Multi command will automatically increment for individual modules.
- rx_zmqstartfnum [fnum]
- The starting frame index to stream out. 0 by default, which streams the first frame in an acquisition, and then depending on the rx zmq frequency/ timer
- rx_zmqstream [0, 1]
- Enable/ disable data streaming from receiver via zmq (eg. to GUI or to another process for further processing). This creates/ destroys zmq streamer threads in receiver.Switching to Gui automatically enables data streaming in receiver.Switching back to command line acquire will require disabling data streaming in receiver for fast applications.
- samples [n_samples]
- [Ctb][Xilinx_Ctb] Number of samples (analog, digitial and transceiver) expected.
- savepattern
- [Ctb][Mythen3][Xilinx Ctb] Saves pattern to file (ascii).[Ctb] Also executes pattern.
- scan [dac_name|0|trimbits] [start_val] [stop_val] [step_size] [dac settling time ns|us|ms|s]
- Enables/ disables scans for dac and trimbitsEnabling scan sets number of frames to number of steps in receiver.To cancel scan configuration, set dac to ‘0’, which also sets number of frames to 1.[Eiger][Mythen3] Use trimbits as dac name for a trimbit scan.
- scanerrmsg
- Gets Scan error message if scan ended in error for non blocking acquisitions.
- selinterface [0, 1]
- [Jungfrau][Moench] The udp interface to stream data from detector. Effective only when number of interfaces is 1. Default: 0 (outer)
- serialnumber
- [Jungfrau][Moench][Gotthard][Mythen3][Gotthard2][Ctb]Serial number of detector.
- setbit [reg address in hex] [bit index]
- Sets bit in address.Use –validate to force validation.
- settings [standard, fast, highgain, dynamicgain, lowgain, mediumgain, veryhighgain, highgain0, fixgain1, fixgain2, forceswitchg1, forceswitchg2, verylowgain, g1_hg, g1_lg, g2_hc_hg, g2_hc_lg, g2_lc_hg, g2_lc_lg, g4_hg, g4_lg, gain0]
- Detector Settings[Jungfrau] - [ gain0 | highgain0][Gotthard] - [dynamicgain | highgain | lowgain | mediumgain | veryhighgain][Gotthard] Also loads default dacs on to the detector.[Gotthard2] - [dynamicgain | fixgain1 | fixgain2][Mythen3] - [standard | fast | highgain] Also changes vrshaper and vrpreamp.[Eiger] Use threshold or thresholdnotb.[Eiger] threshold and settings loaded from file found in settingspath.[Moench] - [g1_hg | g1_lg | g2_hc_hg | g2_hc_lg | g2_lc_hg | g2_lc_lg | g4_hg | g4_lg]
- settingslist
- List of settings implemented for this detector.
- settingspath [path]
- [Eiger][Mythen3] Directory where settings files are loaded from/to.
- signalindex [name]
- [Ctb][Xilinx_Ctb] Get the signal index for the given name.
- signallist [signalname1 signalname2 .. signalname63]
- [Ctb][Xilinx_Ctb] Set the list of signal names for this board.
- signalname [0-63][name]
- [Ctb][Xilinx_Ctb] Set the signal at the given position to the given name.
- sleep [duration] [(optional unit) ns|us|ms|s]
- Sleep for duration. Mainly for config files for firmware developers.Default unit is s.
- slowadc [n_channel (0-7 for channel]
- [Ctb] Slow ADC channel in mV
- slowadcindex [name]
- [Ctb][Xilinx_Ctb] Get the slowadc index for the given name.
- slowadclist [slowadcname1 slowadcname2 .. slowadcname7]
- [Ctb][Xilinx_Ctb] Set the list of slowadc names for this board.
- slowadcname [0-7][name]
- [Ctb][Xilinx_Ctb] Set the slowadc at the given position to the given name.
- slowadcvalues [name]
- [Ctb][Xilinx_Ctb] Get values of all slow adcs.
- start
- Starts detector acquisition. Status changes to RUNNING or WAITING and automatically returns to idle at the end of acquisition. If the acquisition was abruptly stopped, some detectors come back to STOPPED.
- status [running, error, transmitting, finished, waiting, idle]
- Detector status. Goes to stop server.
- stop
- Abort detector acquisition. Status changes to IDLE or STOPPED. Goes to stop server.
- stopport [n]
- Port number of the stop server on detector for detector-client tcp interface. Default is 1953. Normally unchanged.
- storagecell_delay [duration (0-1638375 ns)] [(optional unit) ns|us|ms|s]
- [Jungfrau] Additional time delay between 2 consecutive exposures in burst mode (resolution of 25ns). Only applicable for chipv1.0. For advanced users only.
- storagecell_start [0-max]
- [Jungfrau] Storage cell that stores the first acquisition of the series. max is 15 (default) for chipv1.0 and 3 (default) for chipv1.1. For advanced users only.
- subdeadtime [duration] [(optional unit) ns|us|ms|s]
- [Eiger] Dead time of EIGER subframes in 32 bit mode. Subperiod = subexptime + subdeadtime.
- subexptime [duration] [(optional unit) ns|us|ms|s]
- [Eiger] Exposure time of EIGER subframes in 32 bit mode.
- sync [0, 1]
- [Jungfrau][Moench] Enables or disables synchronization between modules. Sync mode requires at least one master configured. Also requires flatband cabling between master and slave with termination board.
- syncclk [n_clk in MHz]
- [Ctb] Sync clock in MHz.
- temp_10ge [n_value]
- [Eiger]Temperature close to the 10GbE
- temp_adc [n_value]
- [Jungfrau][Moench][Gotthard] ADC Temperature
- temp_control [0, 1]
- [Jungfrau][Moench] Temperature control enable. Default is 0 (disabled). If temperature crosses threshold temperature and temperature control is enabled, power to chip will be switched off and temperature event occurs. To power on chip again, temperature has to be less than threshold temperature and temperature event has to be cleared.
- temp_dcdc [n_value]
- [Eiger]Temperature close to the dc dc converter
- temp_event [0]
- [Jungfrau][Moench] 1, if a temperature event occured. To clear this event, set it to 0.If temperature crosses threshold temperature and temperature control is enabled, power to chip will be switched off and temperature event occurs. To power on chip again, temperature has to be less than threshold temperature and temperature event has to be cleared.
- temp_fpga [n_value]
- [Eiger][Jungfrau][Moench][Gotthard][Mythen3][Gotthard2][Xilinx CTB] FPGA Temperature
- temp_fpgaext [n_value]
- [Eiger]Temperature close to the FPGA
- temp_fpgafl [n_value]
- [Eiger]Temperature of the left front end board fpga.
- temp_fpgafr [n_value]
- [Eiger]Temperature of the right front end board fpga.
- temp_slowadc [n_value]
- [Ctb]Temperature of the slow adc
- temp_sodl [n_value]
- [Eiger]Temperature close to the left so-dimm memory
- temp_sodr [n_value]
- [Eiger]Temperature close to the right so-dimm memory
- temp_threshold [n_temp (in degrees)]
- [Jungfrau][Moench] Threshold temperature in degrees. If temperature crosses threshold temperature and temperature control is enabled, power to chip will be switched off and temperature event occurs. To power on chip again, temperature has to be less than threshold temperature and temperature event has to be cleared.
- templist
- List of temperature commands implemented for this detector.
- tempvalues
- Gets the values for every temperature for this detector.
- tengiga [0, 1]
- [Eiger][Ctb][Mythen3] 10GbE Enable.
- threshold [eV] [(optinal settings)
- [Eiger][Mythen3] Threshold in eV. It loads trim files from settingspath.threshold [eV1] [eV2] [eV3] [(optional settings)][Mythen3] Threshold in eV for each counter. It loads trim files from settingspath. An energy of -1 will pick up values from detector.
- thresholdnotb [eV] [(optinal settings)
- [Eiger][Mythen3] Threshold in eV. It loads trim files from settingspath.Trimbits are not loaded.thresholdnotb [eV1] [eV2] [eV3] [(optional settings)][Mythen3] Threshold in eV for each counter. It loads trim files from settingspath. An energy of -1 will pick up values from detector.Trimbits are not loaded.
- timing [auto|trigger|gating|burst_trigger|trigger_gating]
- Timing Mode of detector.[Jungfrau][Moench][Gotthard][Ctb][Gotthard2][Xilinx Ctb] [auto|trigger][Mythen3] [auto|trigger|gating|trigger_gating][Eiger] [auto|trigger|gating|burst_trigger]
- timing_info_decoder [swissfel|shine]
- [Jungfrau] Advanced Command and only for Swissfel and Shine. Sets the bunch id or timing info decoder. Default is swissfel.
- timinglist
- Gets the list of timing modes for this detector.
- timingsource [internal|external]
- [Gotthard2] Timing source. Internal is crystal and external is system timing. Default is internal.
- top [0, 1]
- [Eiger] Sets half module to top (1), else bottom.
- transceiverenable [bitmask]
- [Ctb][Xilinx Ctb] Transceiver Enable Mask. Enable for each 4 Transceiver channel.
- trigger
- [Eiger][Mythen3][Jungfrau][Moench] Sends software trigger signal to detector
- triggers [n_triggers]
- Number of triggers per aquire. Set timing mode to use triggers.
- triggersl
- [Gotthard][Jungfrau][Moench][Mythen3][Gotthard2][Ctb][Xilinx Ctb] Number of triggers left in acquisition. Only when external trigger used.
- trimbits [fname]
- [Eiger][Mythen3] Put will load the trimbit file to detector. If no extension specified, serial number of each module is attached. Get will save the trimbits from the detector to file with serial number added to file name.
- trimen [trim_ev1] [trim_Ev2 (optional)] [trim_ev3 (optional)] …
- [Eiger][Mythen3] list of trim energies, where corresponding default trim files exist in corresponding trim folders.
- trimval [n_trimval]
- [Eiger][Mythen3] All trimbits set to this value. Returns -1 if all trimbits are different values.
- tsamples [n_value]
- [Ctb][Xilinx Ctb] Number of transceiver samples expected.
- txdelay [n_delay]
- [Eiger][Jungfrau][Moench][Mythen3] Set transmission delay for all modules in the detector using the step size provided.Sets up[Eiger] txdelay_left to (2 * mod_index * n_delay),[Eiger] txdelay_right to ((2 * mod_index + 1) * n_delay) and[Eiger] txdelay_frame to (2 *num_modules * n_delay)[Jungfrau][Moench][Mythen3] txdelay_frame to (num_modules * n_delay) for every module.
- txdelay_frame [n_delay]
- [Eiger][Jungfrau][Moench][Mythen3] Transmission delay of first udp packet being streamed out of the module.[Jungfrau][Moench] [0-31] Each value represents 1 ms[Eiger] Additional delay to txdelay_left and txdelay_right. Each value represents 10ns. Typical value is 50000.[Mythen3] [0-16777215] Each value represents 8 ns (125 MHz clock), max is 134 ms.
- txdelay_left [n_delay]
- [Eiger] Transmission delay of first packet in an image being streamed out of the module’s left UDP port. Each value represents 10ns. Typical value is 50000.
- txdelay_right [n_delay]
- [Eiger] Transmission delay of first packet in an image being streamed out of the module’s right UDP port. Each value represents 10ns. Typical value is 50000.
- type
- Returns detector type. Can be Eiger, Jungfrau, Gotthard, Moench, Mythen3, Gotthard2, ChipTestBoard, Xilinx_ChipTestBoard
- udp_cleardst
- Clears udp destination details on the detector.
- udp_dstip [x.x.x.x] or auto
- Ip address of the receiver (destination) udp interface. If ‘auto’ used, then ip is set to ip of rx_hostname.
- udp_dstip2 [x.x.x.x] or auto
- [Jungfrau][Moench][Gotthard2] Ip address of the receiver (destination) udp interface 2. If ‘auto’ used, then ip is set to ip of rx_hostname.[Jungfrau][Moench] bottom half[Gotthard2] veto debugging.
- udp_dstlist [ip=x.x.x.x] [(optional)ip2=x.x.x.x]
- [mac=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx] [(optional)mac2=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx][port=value] [(optional)port2=value]The order of ip, mac and port does not matter. entry_value can be >0 only for [Eiger][Jungfrau][Moench][Mythen3][Gotthard2] where round robin is implemented. If ‘auto’ used, then ip is set to ip of rx_hostname.
- udp_dstmac [x:x:x:x:x:x]
- Mac address of the receiver (destination) udp interface. Not mandatory to set as udp_dstip retrieves it from slsReceiver process, but must be set if you use a custom receiver (not slsReceiver). Use router mac if router between detector and receiver.
- udp_dstmac2 [x:x:x:x:x:x]
- [Jungfrau][Moench] Mac address of the receiver (destination) udp interface 2. Not mandatory to set as udp_dstip2 retrieves it from slsReceiver process but must be set if you use a custom receiver (not slsReceiver).[Jungfrau][Moench] top half or inner interface[Gotthard2] veto debugging. Use router mac if router between detector and receiver.
- udp_dstport [n]
- Port number of the receiver (destination) udp interface. Default is 50001.If multi command, ports for each module is calculated (incremented by 1 if no 2nd interface)
- udp_dstport2 [n]
- [Jungfrau][Moench][Eiger][Gotthard2] Port number of the receiver (destination) udp interface 2. Default is 50002.If multi command, ports for each module is calculated (incremented by 2)[Jungfrau][Moench] top half or inner interface[Eiger] right half[Gotthard2] veto debugging
- udp_firstdst
- [0 - N]where N is the max number of udp destinations - 1.[Jungfrau][Moench][Gotthard2] Max number of udp destinations is 32.[Mythen3] Max number of udp destination is 64.One can set which is the first destination that the detector will stream images out from in a round robin fashion. The entry must not have been empty. Default: 0
- udp_numdst
- [Jungfrau][Moench][Eiger][Mythen3][Gotthard2] One can enter upto 32 (64 for Mythen3) destinations that the detector will stream images out in a round robin fashion. This is get only command. Default: 1
- udp_reconfigure
- Reconfigures Detector with UDP destination. More for debugging as the configuration is done automatically when the detector has sufficient UDP details.
- udp_srcip [x.x.x.x] or auto
- Ip address of the detector (source) udp interface. Must be same subnet as destination udp ip.[Eiger] Set only for 10G. For 1G, detector will replace with its own DHCP IP address.One can also set this to ‘auto’ for 1 GbE data and virtual detectors. It will set to IP of detector. Not available for GotthardI
- udp_srcip2 [x.x.x.x] or auto
- [Jungfrau][Moench][Gotthard2] Ip address of the detector (source) udp interface 2. Must be same subnet as destination udp ip2.[Jungfrau][Moench] top half or inner interface[Gotthard2] veto debugging.One can also set this to ‘auto’ for 1 GbE data and virtual detectors. It will set to IP of detector.
- udp_srcmac [x:x:x:x:x:x]
- Mac address of the detector (source) udp interface.[Eiger] Do not set as detector will replace with its own DHCP Mac (1G) or DHCP Mac + 1 (10G).
- udp_srcmac2 [x:x:x:x:x:x]
- [Jungfrau][Moench] Mac address of the top half or inner (source) udp interface.
- udp_validate
- Validates that UDP configuration in the detector is valid. If not configured, it will throw with error message requesting missing udp information.
- update
- Without tftp: [server_name (incl fullpath)] [fname.pof (incl full path)] This does not use tftp.[Jungfrau][Moench][Gotthard][Ctb] Updates the firmware, detector server, deletes old server, creates the symbolic link and then reboots detector controller.[Mythen3][Gotthard2] will require a script to start up the shorter named server link at start up.server_name is full path name of detector server binaryfname is full path of programming file
- updatedetectorserver [server_name with full path]
- [Jungfrau][Moench][Eiger][Ctb][Mythen3][Gotthard2] Copies detector server via TCP (without tftp). Makes a symbolic link with a shorter name (without vx.x.x). Then, detector controller reboots (except Eiger).[Jungfrau][Moench][Ctb]Also changes respawn server to the link, which is effective after a reboot.
- updatekernel [kernel_name with full path]
- [Jungfrau][Moench][Ctb][Mythen3][Gotthard2] Advanced Command!! You could damage the detector. Please use with caution.Updates the kernel image. Then, detector controller reboots with new kernel.
- updatemode [0|1]
- Restart the detector server in update mode or not. This is useful when server-firmware compatibility is at its worst and server cannot start up normally
- user
- User details from shared memory (hostname, type, PID, User, Date).
- v_a [n_value]
- [Ctb][Xilinx Ctb] Power supply a in mV.
- v_b [n_value]
- [Ctb][Xilinx Ctb] Power supply b in mV.
- v_c [n_value]
- [Ctb][Xilinx Ctb] Power supply c in mV.
- v_chip [n_value]
- [Ctb] Power supply chip in mV. Do not use it unless you are completely sure you will not fry the board.
- v_d [n_value]
- [Ctb][Xilinx Ctb] Power supply d in mV.
- v_io [n_value]
- [Ctb][Xilinx Ctb] Power supply io in mV. Minimum 1200 mV. Must be the first power regulator to be set after fpga reset (on-board detector server start up).
- v_limit [n_value]
- [Ctb][Xilinx Ctb] Soft limit for power supplies (ctb only) and DACS in mV.
- vchip_comp_adc [chip index 0-9, -1 for all][10 bit hex value]
- [Gotthard2] On chip Dac for comparator current of ADC.
- vchip_comp_fe [chip index 0-9, -1 for all][10 bit hex value]
- [Gotthard2] On chip Dac for comparator current of analogue front end.
- vchip_cs [chip index 0-9, -1 for all][10 bit hex value]
- [Gotthard2] On chip Dac for current injection into preamplifier.
- vchip_opa_1st [chip index 0-9, -1 for all][10 bit hex value]
- [Gotthard2] On chip Dac for opa current for driving the other DACs in chip.
- vchip_opa_fd [chip index 0-9, -1 for all][10 bit hex value]
- [Gotthard2] On chip Dac current for CDS opa stage.
- vchip_ref_comp_fe [chip index 0-9, -1 for all][10 bit hex value]
- [Gotthard2] On chip Dac for reference voltage of the comparator of analogue front end.
- versions
- Print all versions and detector type
- veto [0, 1]
- [Gotthard2] Enable or disable veto data data from chip. Default is 0.
- vetoalg [hits|raw] [lll|10gbe]
- [Gotthard2] Set the veto algorithm. Default is hits.
- vetofile [chip index 0-9, -1 for all] [file name]
- [Gotthard2] Set veto reference for each 128 channels for specific chip. The file should have 128 rows of gain index and 12 bit value in dec
- vetophoton [ichip] [#photons] [energy in keV] [reference file]
- [Gotthard2] Set veto reference for 128 channels for chip ichip according to reference file and #photons and energy in keV.[ichip] [output file]Get gain indices and veto reference for 128 channels for chip ichip, saved to file.
- vetoref [gain index] [12 bit value]
- [Gotthard2] Set veto reference for all 128 channels for all chips.
- vetostream [none|lll|10gbe|…]
- [Gotthard2] Enable or disable the 2 veto streaming interfaces available. Can include more than one interface.Default: none. lll (low latency link) is the default interface to work with.10GbE is for debugging and also enables second interface in receiver for listening to veto packets (writes a separate file if writing enabled). Also restarts client and receiver zmq sockets if zmq streaming enabled.
- virtual [n_servers] [starting_port_number]
- Connecs to n virtual server at local host starting at specific control port. Every virtual server will have a stop port (control port + 1)
- vm_a
- [Ctb] Measured voltage of power supply a in mV.
- vm_b
- [Ctb] Measured voltage of power supply b in mV.
- vm_c
- [Ctb] Measured voltage of power supply c in mV.
- vm_d
- [Ctb] Measured voltage of power supply d in mV.
- vm_io
- [Ctb] Measured voltage of power supply io in mV.
- zmqhwm [n_limit]
- Client’s zmq receive high water mark. Default is the zmq library’s default (1000), can also be set here using -1.This is a high number and can be set to 2 for gui purposes.One must also set the receiver’s send high water mark to similar value. Final effect is sum of them.Setting it via command line is useful only before zmq enabled (before opening gui).
- zmqip [x.x.x.x]
- Ip Address to listen to zmq data streamed out from receiver or intermediate process. Default connects to receiver zmq Ip Address (from rx_hostname). Modified only when using an intermediate process between receiver and client(gui). Also restarts client zmq streaming if enabled.
- zmqport [port]
- Zmq port in client(gui) or intermediate process for data to be streamed to from receiver. Default connects to receiver zmq streaming out port (30001). Modified only when using an intermediate process between receiver and client(gui). Also restarts client zmq streaming if enabled. Must be different for every detector (and udp port). Multi command will automatically increment for individual modules.
Deprecated commands
All the dac commands are preceded with the dac command. Use command daclist to get correct list of dac command arguments for current detector.
Old |
New |
adc |
slowadc |
auto_comp_disable |
autocompdisable |
busy |
clearbusy |
clkdivider |
readoutspeed |
comp_disable_time |
compdisabletime |
copydetectorserver |
updatedetectorserver |
cycles |
triggers |
cyclesl |
triggersl |
defaultdacs |
resetdacs |
detectorip |
udp_srcip |
detectorip2 |
udp_srcip2 |
detectormac |
udp_srcmac |
detectormac2 |
udp_srcmac2 |
detectornumber |
serialnumber |
detectorversion |
firmwareversion |
detsizechan |
detsize |
digitest |
imagetest |
enablefwrite |
fwrite |
fileformat |
fformat |
filter |
filterresistor |
flags |
romode |
flippeddatax |
fliprows |
flowcontrol_10g |
flowcontrol10g |
frameindex |
rx_frameindex |
framescaught |
rx_framescaught |
i_a |
im_a |
i_b |
im_b |
i_c |
im_c |
i_d |
im_d |
i_io |
im_io |
ib_test_c |
dac |
ibias_sfp |
dac |
index |
findex |
iodelay |
dac |
masterfile |
fmaster |
nframes |
framecounter |
now |
runtime |
outdir |
fpath |
overwrite |
foverwrite |
r_discardpolicy |
rx_discardpolicy |
r_framesperfile |
rx_framesperfile |
r_lastclient |
rx_lastclient |
r_lock |
rx_lock |
r_padding |
rx_padding |
r_readfreq |
rx_zmqfreq |
r_silent |
rx_silent |
readnlines |
readnrows |
receiver |
rx_status |
receiverversion |
rx_version |
resmat |
partialreset |
rx_datastream |
rx_zmqstream |
rx_readfreq |
rx_zmqfreq |
rx_udpip |
udp_dstip |
rx_udpip2 |
udp_dstip2 |
rx_udpmac |
udp_dstmac |
rx_udpmac2 |
udp_dstmac2 |
rx_udpport |
udp_dstport |
rx_udpport2 |
udp_dstport2 |
rxb_lb |
dac |
rxb_rb |
dac |
settingsdir |
settingspath |
softwareversion |
detectorserverversion |
speed |
readoutspeed |
startingfnum |
nextframenumber |
storagecells |
extrastoragecells |
thisversion |
clientversion |
timestamp |
frametime |
trimdir |
settingspath |
txndelay_frame |
txdelay_frame |
txndelay_left |
txdelay_left |
txndelay_right |
txdelay_right |
vb_comp |
dac |
vb_comp_adc |
dac |
vb_comp_fe |
dac |
vb_cs |
dac |
vb_ds |
dac |
vb_opa_1st |
dac |
vb_opa_fd |
dac |
vb_pixbuf |
dac |
vb_sda |
dac |
vbp_colbuf |
dac |
vcal |
dac |
vcal_n |
dac |
vcal_p |
dac |
vcall |
vcal |
vcas |
dac |
vcasc_out |
dac |
vcasc_sfp |
dac |
vcascn_pb |
dac |
vcascp_pb |
dac |
vcassh |
dac |
vcmp_ll |
dac |
vcmp_lr |
dac |
vcmp_rl |
dac |
vcmp_rr |
dac |
vcn |
dac |
vcom_adc1 |
dac |
vcom_adc2 |
dac |
vcom_cds |
dac |
vcp |
dac |
vdcsh |
dac |
vdd_prot |
dac |
vhighvoltage |
highvoltage |
vicin |
dac |
viinsh |
vishaper |
vin_cm |
dac |
vin_com |
dac |
vipre |
dac |
vipre_cds |
dac |
vipre_out |
dac |
vis |
vishaper |
vishaper |
dac |
vout_cm |
dac |
vph |
vcal_p |
vpl |
vcal_n |
vpreamp |
vrpreamp |
vref_cds |
dac |
vref_comp |
dac |
vref_comp_fe |
dac |
vref_ds |
dac |
vref_h_adc |
dac |
vref_l_adc |
dac |
vref_prech |
dac |
vref_rstore |
dac |
vrf |
vrpreamp |
vrpreamp |
dac |
vrs |
vrshaper |
vrshaper |
dac |
vrshaper_n |
dac |
vshaper |
vrshaper |
vshaperneg |
vrshaper_n |
vsvn |
dac |
vsvp |
dac |
vtgstv |
dac |
vth1 |
dac |
vth2 |
dac |
vth3 |
dac |
vthreshold |
dac |
vtr |
vtrim |
vtrim |
dac |