
Some short examples on how to use slsdet. If something is missing don’t hesitate to open an issue in our our github repo.

Setting exposure time

Setting and reading back exposure time can be done either using a Python datetime.timedelta, DurationWrapper or by setting the time in seconds.

# Set exposure time to 1.2 seconds
>>> d.exptime = 1.2
>>> d.exptime = 5e-07

# Setting exposure time using timedelta (upto microseconds precision)
import datetime as dt
>>> d.exptime = dt.timedelta(seconds = 1.2)
>>> d.exptime = dt.timedelta(seconds = 1, microseconds = 3)

# With timedelta any arbitrary combination of units can be used
>>> t = dt.timedelta(microseconds = 100, seconds = 5.3, minutes = .3)

# using DurationWrapper to set in seconds
>>> from slsdet import DurationWrapper
>>> d.exptime = DurationWrapper(1.2)

# using DurationWrapper to set in ns
>>> t = DurationWrapper()
>>> t.set_count(500)
>>> d.exptime = t

# To set exposure time for individual detector one have to resort
# to the C++ style API.
# Sets exposure time to 1.2 seconds for module 0, 6 and 12
>>> d.setExptime(1.2, [0, 6, 12])
>>> d.setExptime(dt.timedelta(seconds = 1.2), [0, 6, 12])

# to get in seconds
>>> d.period

# to get in DurationWrapper
>>> d.getExptime()
[sls::DurationWrapper(total_seconds: 181.23 count: 181230000000)]

Converting numbers to hex

Python support entering numbers in format by using the 0x prefix. However, when reading back you will get a normal integer. This can then be converted to a hex string representation using the built in hex() function.

from slsdet import Detector
>>> d = Detector()
>>> d.patwait0 = 0xaa
>>> d.patwait0

# Convert to  string
>>> hex(d.patwait0)

For multiple values one can use a list comprehension to loop over the values.

>>> values = [1,2,3,4,5]
>>> [(v) for v in values]
['0x1', '0x2', '0x3', '0x4', '0x5']

# or to a single string by passing the list to .join
>>> ', '.join([hex(v) for v in values])
'0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5'

Simple threshold scan

Assuming you have set up your detector with exposure time, period, enabled file writing etc.

from slsdet import Eiger

d = Eiger()
threshold = range(0, 2000, 200)
for th in threshold:
    d.vthreshold = th

If we want to control the shutter of for example, the big X-ray box we can add this line in our code. It then opens the shutter just before the measurement and closes is afterwards.

with xrf_shutter_open(box, 'Fe'):
    for th in threshold:
        d.vthreshold = th

Reading temperatures

temp_fpga     :  43.19°C,  51.83°C
temp_fpgaext  :  38.50°C,  38.50°C
temp_10ge     :  39.50°C,  39.50°C
temp_dcdc     :  42.50°C,  42.50°C
temp_sodl     :  39.50°C,  40.50°C
temp_sodr     :  39.50°C,  40.50°C
temp_fpgafl   :  40.87°C,  37.61°C
temp_fpgafr   :  34.51°C,  35.63°C

>> temp_fpga     :  40.84°C,  39.31°C

t = d.temp.fpga[0]
>> 40.551

t = d.temp.fpga[:]
>> [40.566, 39.128]

Non blocking acquire

There are mainly two ways to achieve a non blocking acquire when calling from the Python API. One is to manually start the detector and the second one is to launch the normal acquire from a different process. Depending on your measurement it might also be better to run the other task in a seperate process and use acq in the main thread. But lets start looking at the at the manual way:

import time
from slsdet import Detector, runStatus

n_frames = 10
t_exp = 1

# Set exposure time and number of frames
d = Detector()
d.exptime = t_exp
d.frames = n_frames

# Start the measurement
t0 = time.time()

# Wait for the detector to be ready or do other important stuff
time.sleep(t_exp * n_frames)

# check if the detector is ready otherwise wait a bit longer
while d.status != runStatus.IDLE:

# Stop the receiver after we got the frames
# Detector is already idle so we don't need to stop it

lost = d.rx_framescaught - n_frames
    f"{n_frames} frames of {t_exp}s took {time.time()-t0:{.3}}s with {lost} frames lost "

Instead launching d.acq() from a different process is a bit easier since the control of receiver and detector is handled in the acq call. However, you need to join the process used otherwise a lot of zombie processes would hang around until the main process exits.

import time
from multiprocessing import Process
from slsdet import Detector, runStatus

d = Detector()

#Create a separate process to run acquire in
p = Process(target=d.acquire)

#Start the thread and short sleep to allow the acq to start

#Do some other work
while d.status != runStatus.IDLE:

#Join the process

Setting and getting times

import datetime as dt
from slsdet import Detector
from slsdet.utils import element_if_equal

d = Detector()

# The simplest way is to set the exposure time in
# seconds by using the exptime property
# This sets the exposure time for all modules
d.exptime = 0.5

# exptime also accepts a python datetime.timedelta (upto microseconds resolution)
t = dt.timedelta(milliseconds = 2.3)
d.exptime = t

# or combination of units
t = dt.timedelta(minutes = 3, seconds = 1.23)
d.exptime = t

# using DurationWrapper to set in seconds
>>> from slsdet import DurationWrapper
>>> d.exptime = DurationWrapper(1.2)

# using DurationWrapper to set in ns
>>> t = DurationWrapper()
>>> t.set_count(500)
>>> d.exptime = t

# exptime however always returns the time in seconds
>>> d.exptime

# To get back the exposure time for each module
# it's possible to use getExptime, this also returns
# the values as  DurationWrapper

>>> d.getExptime()
[sls::DurationWrapper(total_seconds: 181.23 count: 181230000000)]

# In case the values are the same it's possible to use the
# element_if_equal function to reduce the values to a single
# value

>>> t = d.getExptime()
>>> element_if_equal(t)
sls::DurationWrapper(total_seconds: 1.2 count: 1200000000)

Reading dacs

from slsdet import Detector, Eiger, dacIndex

#using the specialized class
e = Eiger()
>>> e.dacs
========== DACS =========
vsvp      :    0    0
vtrim     : 2480 2480
vrpreamp  : 3300 3300
vrshaper  : 1400 1400
vsvn      : 4000 4000
vtgstv    : 2556 2556
vcmp_ll   : 1000 1000
vcmp_lr   : 1000 1000
vcal      :    0    0
vcmp_rl   : 1000 1000
rxb_rb    : 1100 1100
rxb_lb    : 1100 1100
vcmp_rr   : 1000 1000
vcp       : 1000 1000
vcn       : 2000 2000
vishaper  : 1550 1550
iodelay   :  650  650

# or using the general class and the list
d = Detector()
for dac in d.daclist:
    r = d.getDAC(dac, False)
    print(f'{dac.name:10s} {r}')