
Receiver processes can be run on same or different machines as the client, receives the data from the detector (via UDP packets). When using the slsReceiver/ slsMultiReceiver, they can be further configured by the client control software (via TCP/IP) to set file name, file path, progress of acquisition etc.

To know more about detector receiver configuration, please check out detector udp header and udp commands in the config file

Custom Receiver

When using custom receiver with our package, ensure that udp_dstmac is also configured in the config file. This parameter is not required when using slsReceiver.
Cannot use “auto” for udp_dstip.
Also ensure that there are no rx_ commands in the config file. These commands are for configuring the slsReceiver.

Example of a custom receiver config file

  • The main difference is the lack of rx_ commands or file commands (eg. fwrite, fpath) and the udp_dstmac is required in config file.

# detector hostname
hostname bchip052

# udp destination port (receiver)
udp_dstport 50004

# udp destination ip (receiver)

# udp source ip (same subnet as udp_dstip)

# udp destination mac
udp_dstmac 22:47:d5:48:ad:ef