Location: slsDetectorPackage/serverBin/ folder for every release.
For Mythen3, Gotthard2 and Eiger, you need to add scripts to automatically start detector server upon power on. See Automatic start for more details.
Eiger requires a manual reboot. Or killall the servers and restart the new linked one. If you are in the process of updating firmware, then don’t reboot yet.
6.1.1+ (no tftp required)
Program from console
# the following command copies new server, creates a soft link to xxxDetectorServerxxx # [Jungfrau][CTB][Moench] also deletes the old server binary and edits initttab to respawn server on reboot # Then, the detector controller will reboot (except Eiger) sls_detector_put updatedetectorserver /complete-path-to-binary/xxxDetectorServerxxx
Copy the detector server specific config files or any others required to the detector:
sls_detector_put execcommand "tftp pcxxx -r configxxx -g"
5.0.0 - 6.1.1
Install tftp and copy detector server binary to tftp folder
Program from console
# the following command copies new server from pc tftp folder, creates a soft link to xxxDetectorServerxxx # [Jungfrau][CTB][Moench] also edits initttab to respawn server on reboot # Then, the detector controller will reboot (except Eiger) sls_detector_put copydetectorserver xxxDetectorServerxxx pcxxx
Copy the detector server specific config files or any others required to the detector:
sls_detector_put execcommand "tftp pcxxx -r configxxx -g"
Troubleshooting with tftp
tftp write error: There is no space left. Please delete some old binaries and try again.
text file busy: You are trying to copy the same server.
< 5.0.0
Please contact us.