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Normally the user can follow these rules:

  1. If the X-ray energy is lower than 8 keV the High gain setting should be used. Since it is a slow mode of operation it is necessary to take care that the maximum count rate is lower than 100 kcounts/s for all channels (use filters to reduce the beam intensisty).
  2. For energies higher than 8 keV, the Standard setting is normally fine if the count rate can be kept lower than 300 kcounts/s for all channels (use filters to reduce the beam intensisty).

  3. In case a larger count rate is required in order to keep the acquisition time shorter, the Fast setting must be selected. However the maximum count rate should never exceed 1 Mcounts/s for all channels.

Figure 3.1: Plot indicating the reccomended choice of detector settings as a function of the X-ray energy and maximum count rate per channel..

Thattil Dhanya 2019-04-08