SLS Detector Package 4.2.0 released on 09.04.2020 (Minor Release) =================================================================== This document describes the differences between 4.2.0 and 4.1.1 releases. CONTENTS -------- 1. Topics Concerning 2. New Features 3. Resolved Issues 4. Firmware Requirements 5. Download, Documentation & Support 1. Topics Concerning ==================== - (Eiger) Additional status: Transmitting - (Eiger) Default vcal dac value - (Eiger) Default readout mode - (Eiger) Dynamic range change effect on clock divider - (Eiger) Deactivate a module - (Eiger) Setting all trimbits argument check - (Receiver) performance (memory allocation and alignment, file buffering) - (Receiver) Eiger: Different rx_fifodepth defaults - (Receiver) rx_fifodepth has a higher range - (Receiver) subperiod in master file - (Package) Removed warnings including memory overlap copy - (Users) Added setflippeddatax to users class - (Zmq) Client data streaming fix (Client data call back) Compared to 4.1.1, - no firmware update required for this release - eiger on-board detector server update required for this release 2. New Features =============== Receiver -------- 1. Memory in receiver is now byte aligned and write to every page at memory allocation to ensure complete memory allocated right from start. Removed file buffering when writing to file. Replaced pausing on keepRunning variable with semaphore to reduce cpu load. 2. (Eiger) Default rx_fifodepth for 32 bit mode is 100, but 1000 for other modes. Changing dynamic range will now change bit mode to their defaults. Client ------ 1. Added setflippeddatax to users class. Detector Server (Eiger) ----------------------- 1. Transmitting Status: After acquiring, if the detector is still streaming out data, then the status is Trasnmitting (command line: 'data'). Only after this process, will it become idle. Previously, sls_detector_acquire waited for end of data streaming before returning. It will continue to do so. 3. Resolved Issues ================== Detector Server (Eiger) ----------------------- 1. Vcal dac set to 0 at on-board detector server start up to reduce noise. 2. Default Readout mode set to Parallel instead of Non parallel. 3. Dynamic range 4, 8 or 16 changes the clock divider to full speed, whereas dynamic range of 32 still changes the clock divider to quarter speed. So, default is dynamic range of 16 and full speed at detector server start up. 4. Setting activate to 0 sent to both control and stop server. So, deactivate a module can be done even if FEB communication fails. Restarting the server will activate the module again. 5. Verification included for input of setting all trimbits values. Valid input is 0 - 63. Receiver -------- 1. Earlier, setting rx_fifodepth to a high value would set to a lower value, printing this low value to console, but not giving an error. Memory allocated can now take in 64 bits. 2. Modifying subexptime now also updates subperiod in master file. Also, the print for subperiod name to console is corrected. Package ------- 1. Many warnings have been fixed, including those with overlapping memory copies for source and destination. Client ------ 1. Each time client data streaming was enabled to receive, it creates zmq sockets without checking if they were already created. This is fixed now. 4. Firmware Requirements ======================== Gotthard ======== Minimum compatible version : 11.01.2013 Latest compatible version : 08.02.2018 (50um and 25um Master) 09.02.2018 (25 um Slave) Eiger ===== Minimum compatible version : 24 Latest compatible version : 24 Jungfrau ======== Minimum compatible version : 26.02.2018 Latest compatible version : 06.12.2018 Detector Upgrade ================ Gotthard Cannot be upgraded remotely. Requires programming via USB blaster Eiger Can be upgraded remotely via bit files Jungfrau Can be upgraded remotely using sls_detector_put programfpga Instructions available at Please refer to the link below for more details on the firmware versions. 5. Download, Documentation & Support ==================================== Download -------- The Source Code (Default C++ API): The Conda Lib Package: The Conda GUI Package: The Python Interface (including the package): Documentation ------------- Manual (HTML & PDF): slsDetectorPackage/manual/docs/ Command Line Documentation: manual/docs/html/slsDetectorClientDocs/index.html manual/docs/pdf/slsDetectorClientDocs.pdf C++ API Documentation: manual/docs/html/slsDetectorUsersDocs/index.html manual/docs/pdf/slsDetectorUsersDocs.pdf C++ API Example: manual/manual-api/mainClient.cpp manual/manual-api/mainReceiver.cpp Python API Documentation: TroubleShotting: Further Documentation: Support -------