SLS Detector Package 4.0.1 released on 08.02.2018 (Bug Fix Release) =================================================================== This document describes the differences between 4.0.1 and 4.0.0 releases. CONTENTS -------- 1. Topics Concerning 2. Resolved Issues 3. Known Issues 4. Firmware Requirements 5. Download, Documentation & Support 1. Topics Concerning ==================== - Jungfrau server (new firmware mapped) - Eiger server (measuredPeriod, reg) - Gotthard server(ADC channel shift, ROI, 25um slave packets) - Receiver (padding, releasing resources segfault, gappixels) - Users class (detectorSize, ROI, versions, status) - API (config error, ROI) - Compile (Options prefix, static libraries, Makefile for API) - Gui (multi module) 2. Resolved Issues ================== Detector Server --------------- 1. (Jungfrau): Latest Jungfrau firmware release mapped. 2. (Eiger): Measured subperiod initially wrapped around 4.29s. Now, upto 42.9s. Advanced command "reg" was writing only to right FPGA. 3. (Gotthard 25/50um): Since Gotthard only sends packet numbers, one had to remember to take even number of images in ROI mode, if they wanted to switch back to non ROI mode. This is fixed now, but temporary fix involves sending an image during configuration, which will not be captured by the receiver. Hence, it takes longer to configure. Permanent fix will require a firmware update. The detector output is shifted by 1 for every 32 channels. This is fixed now. Receiver -------- 1. Receiver padding was enabled only if deactivated padding was also enabled. Receiver padding enable and receiver deactivated padding enable are independent now. 2. Starting and stopping receiver without listening resulted in seg faults. 3. Gappixels in receiver bug fix. Client ------ 1. (Users class): DetectorSize modified to set/get ROI if ROI is only 1 in number. Allowed setting/getting ROI at single detector level via API. (ROI for Gotthard only). Added them to the users class as setROI and getROI. Retrieving versions at module level is possible now. Added "stopped" as status in getRunStatus list. 2. (API): Incorrect mac address in config file will set error flag in API and not just print the error. ROI possible at module level. Compile ------- 1. CMake options now have a prefix 'SLS_'. 2. Static libraries removed. 2. slsDetectorPackage/manual/manual-api/Makefile modified to use libraries from slsDetectorPackage/bin as the main Makefile copies the libraries there. No effect when using CMakeFiles. Gui --- 1. Adding multiple detectors in x and y direction incremented number of detectors in y direction incorrectly. Effect seen only in GUI (segfault) if detsizechan has multi detectors in both direction. Fixed. 3. Known Issues =============== Detector Specific ----------------- 1. (Gotthard 25 um): Slave misses or captures an extra frame. Occurs irregularly. 2. (Gotthard 25/50um): Using ROI (2 chips, 256 channels) missses last pixel of that ADC. 4. Firmware Requirements ======================== Gotthard ======== Minimum compatible version : 11.01.2013 Latest compatible version : 08.02.2018 (50um and 25um Master) 09.02.2018 (25 um Slave) Eiger ===== Minimum compatible version : 23 Latest compatible version : 23 Jungfrau ======== Minimum compatible version : 26.02.2018 Latest compatible version : 06.12.2018 Detector Upgrade ================ Gotthard Cannot be upgraded remotely. Requires programming via USB blaster Eiger Can be upgraded remotely via bit files Jungfrau Can be upgraded remotely using sls_detector_put programfpga Instructions available at under Detector Upgrade -> [Detector Type] -> Firmware. Please refer to the link below for more details on the firmware versions. 5. Download, Documentation & Support ==================================== Download -------- The Source Code (Default C++ API): The Conda Lib Package: The Conda GUI Package: The Python Interface (including the package): Documentation ------------- Manual (HTML & PDF): slsDetectorPackage/manual/docs/ Command Line Documentation: manual/docs/html/slsDetectorClientDocs/index.html manual/docs/pdf/slsDetectorClientDocs.pdf C++ API Documentation: manual/docs/html/slsDetectorUsersDocs/index.html manual/docs/pdf/slsDetectorUsersDocs.pdf C++ API Example: manual/manual-api/mainClient.cpp manual/manual-api/mainReceiver.cpp Python API Documentation: Further Documentation: Support -------