SLS Detector Package 4.0.0 released on 27.09.2018 ================================================= INTRODUCTION This document describes the differences between 4.0.0 and 3.1.4 releases. Download -------- The Source Code (Default C++ API): The Conda Lib Package: The Conda GUI Package: The Python Interface (including the package): Documentation ------------- Manual (HTML & PDF): slsDetectorPackage/manual/docs/ Command Line Documentation: manual/docs/html/slsDetectorClientDocs/index.html manual/docs/pdf/slsDetectorClientDocs.pdf C++ API Documentation: manual/docs/html/slsDetectorUsersDocs/index.html manual/docs/pdf/slsDetectorUsersDocs.pdf C++ API Example: manual/manual-api/mainClient.cpp manual/manual-api/mainReceiver.cpp Python API Documentation: Further Documentation: Support ------- General Software related: Python related: CONTENTS 1. Firmware Requirements 2. Changes in User Interface 3. New/Modified Commands 4. Other New Features 5. Resolved Issues 6. Known Issues 7. Next Major Release Plans 1. Firmware Requirements ======================== Gotthard ======== Minimum compatible version : 11.01.2013 Latest version : 08.02.2018 (50um and 25um Master) 09.02.2018 (25 um Slave) Eiger ===== Minimum compatible version : 22 Latest version : 22 Jungfrau ======== Minimum compatible version : 15.06.2018 Latest version : 15.06.2018 Detector Upgrade ================ Gotthard Cannot be upgraded remotely. Requires programming via USB blaster Eiger Can be upgraded remotely via bit files Jungfrau Can be upgraded remotely using sls_detector_put programfpga Instructions available at under Detector Upgrade -> [Detector Type] -> Firmware. Please refer to the link below for more details on the firmware versions. 2. Changes in User Interface ============================ Client ------ 1. Shared Memory: POSIX shared memory has been implemented and they are typically created in /dev/shm/ folder. A multiSlsDetector object will create a shared memory segment with naming style: slsDetectorPackage_x_[_z] and an slsDetector object will create a shared memory segment with naming style: slsDetectorPackage_x_sls_y[_z] where x is the multi detector id y is the sls detector id z is the environment variable SLSDETNAME, if set. They can be deleted directly. Environment variable SLSDETNAME included for user-friendliness of using 2 different detectors from the same client pc. One needn't use different multi detector id if the SLSDETNAME is different for both consoles. Constructor will fail if shared memory size is different (different package releases/detectors). Loading config file cleans shared memory. 2. Exceptions in constructors: All constructors that have an error throws an exception. For this release, this is caught within the package and interfaced as error codes or messages to the users using command line or API. As a result: - slsDetectorsUsers constructor signature now includes a success flag. - If one uses multiSlsDetector, slsDetector, ZmqSocket classes directly, catch exceptions from constructors. - In future releases, the exception will be thrown outside the package for the users to handle it. 3. API Compatibility: Client now checks API version of Detector Server - Client and Receiver - Client when connecting for the first time to detector server or receiver server and the online flags have not been set in shm. Upon failure, error messages will ensue and further commands will not be executed. Detector servers referred to are only for Eiger, Jungfrau and Gotthard. Previously, the detector server would exit on mismatched Firmware-Detector server mismatch. They now wait for client to ask for compatibility check, which is done the first time client connects to the detector and the online flag in shm has not been set. 4. Commands "type", "id" and "replace" are removed. Receiver -------- 1. Reciever Header Structure in file writing and call back: sls_receiver_header structure added to sls_receiver_defs.h for image headers in file writing. #define MAX_NUM_PACKETS 512 typedef std::bitset sls_bitset; typedef struct { sls_detector_header detHeader; /**< is the detector header */ sls_bitset packetsMask; /**< is the packets caught bit mask */ } sls_receiver_header; It includes the detector header structure + bitmask of 512 bits, where each bit represents a packet caught. This is useful in saving time in writing to file by not padding missing packets and still retaining useful data. The binary and HDF5 writer version number changed from 1.0 to 2.0. The detector header version remains as 1.0. registerCallBackRawDataReady modified to give this structure pointer, instead of individual structure member pointers. 2. ZmqSocket class: If one uses ZmqSocket.h, then the json header has to be parsed outside the class to allow the user to remove the restriction in extracting all data from the json header. 3. Receiver Call back with modified size: registerCallBackRawDataModifyReady call back that is similar to the receiver registerCallBackRawDataReady has been added to allow the call back to specify an updated size of image after call back. This is in view to process an image in call back (including extract only a region of the image) and provide this updated size in callback. This new resized/processed image will be written to file or streamed out via zmq. This is useful in ROI selection in the receiver. This also means that the call back is now called before writing to file. 3. New/Modified Commands ======================== Client ------ 1. add (modified): appends detector to end of multi detector list. 2. replace: sets hostname/ip address for a single detector. 3. user: get user details from shared memory. 4. checkdetversion: checks client version compatibility with detector server. 5. checkrecversion: checks client version compatibility with receiver server. Receiver -------- 1. rx_zmqip: sets/gets the zmq (TCP) ip of the receiver from where data is streamed out from. (Eg. to the gui or intermediate process). By default, it is the same as the zmqip. 2. zmqip: sets/gets the zmq (TCP) ip, where client listens to, to reconstuct images. (Eg. from receiver or intermediate process). By default, it is the same as rx_zmqip. 3. rx_jsonaddheader: sets/gets additional json header to be streamed out with the zmq from receiver. Default is empty. Eg. p rx_jsonaddheader \"what\":\"nothing\" 4. r_discardpolicy: sets/gets the frame discard policy in the receiver. nodiscard - no discard (default), discardempty - discard only empty frames, discardpartial - discard any partial frame(fastest) 5. r_padding: sets/gets the frame padding in the receiver. 0 does not pad partial frames(fastest), 1 (default) pads partial frames. One can look at bitmask in the sls_receiver_header to process the unpadded partial frames later. 6. activate (modified): Extra option added to pad or unpad images in receivers when deactivated. activate i [padding option], where i is activate/deactivate and padding option is "padding" (default) or "nopadding". 7. rx_udpsocksize: sets/gets the UDP socket buffer size. Already attempts to set by default to 100mb, 2gb for Jungfrau. Does not remember custom values in client shared memory, so must be initialized each time after setting receiver hostname in config file. 8. rx_realudpsocksize: gets the actual UDP socket buffer size. Usually double the set udp socket buffer size due to kernel bookkeeping. 9. r_framesperfile: sets/gets the frames per file in receiver. 0 means infinite or all frames in a single file. Default of Eiger changed from 2k to 10k. Eiger Specific -------------- 1. status trigger: To trigger internally via software, one can use "status trigger". 2. subdeadtime: sets/gets sub frame dead time in s in 32 bit mode. Subperiod is set in the detector by subexptime + subdeadtime. This value is normally a constant set by an expert catered to individual detector modules in the config file. Receiver files writes master file metadata subperiod instead of subdeadtime. 3. gappixels: enables/disables gap pixels in system (detector & receiver). 1 sets, 0 unsets. In Receiver, 4 bit gap pixels mode is not implemented, but is implemented in client data call back. Gap pixels are at module level and not at multi module level. 4. measuredperiod: gets the measured frame period (time between last frame and the previous one) in s. Makes sense only for acquisitions of more than 1 frame. 5. measuredsubperiod: gets the measured subframe period (time between last subframe and the previous one) in s in 32 bit mode. 6. flags(modified): extra flags "nooverflow" (default) and "overflow" for sub images in 32 bit mode. If set to overflow, it will set MSB of pixel data high if there was any saturation in any of the sub images 32 bit mode. Jungfrau Specific ----------------- 1. storagecells: sets/gets number of additional storage cells per acquisition. For very advanced users only. Range: 0-15. Default: 0. The #images = #frames * #cycles * (#storagecells +1). 2. storage_start: sets/gets the storage cell that stores the first acquisition of the series. For very advanced users only. Range: 0-15. Default: 15(0xf). 4. Other New Features ===================== Client ------ 1. (Jungfrau & Gotthard) Settingsdir and caldir is removed from config file. Default dacs are stored in detector server. Hence, these folders are also removed from slsDetectorPackage/settingsdir. Eiger and Mythen continue to have them. 2. Depending on 1d position of detectors and detsizechan in config file, row and column (previously xcoord and ycoord) are given to detector servers (Eiger and Jungfrau) to encode into the udp header. 3. (Eiger) Setting threshold energy changes such as CAL dac is irrelevant when interpolating between two energies and VRS dac is interpolated, not copied. 4. Users API updated with the following functions: - setReceiverFramesDiscardPolicy - setReceiverPartialFramesPadding - setReceiverFramesPerFile - sendSoftwareTrigger - setSubFrameExposureDeadTime - setSubFrameExposureTime - enableGapPixels - getMeasuredPeriod - getMeasuredSubFramePeriod - setOverflowMode - setNumberOfStorageCells - setStoragecellStart - setThresholdEnergy (overloaded) - resetFramesCaughtInReceiver - setReceiverFifoDepth - setFlowControl10G - setTenGigabitEthernet - getNMods - setReceiverDataStreamingOutIP - setClientDataStreamingInIP SlsReceiver ----------- 1. slsMultiReceiver executable added that creates multiple receiver child processes. ./slsMultiReceiver [start_tcp_port] [num_receivers] [1 for call back, 0 for none] 2. Default row and column (previously xcoord and ycoord) are hardcoded for missing packets. (Eiger and Jungfrau) Gui --- 1. (Jungfrau) Gain plot included. Option under 2D options in Plot tab. 2. Option to maintain aspect ratio 3. Start and Stop separated to prevent multiple click syndrome. Detector Server --------------- 1. (Jungfrau) To use programfpga command, one must start server with -update mode and then restart server without -update mode. 2. (Jungfrau) ASIC Timer configured at server start up and changed a few startup values for firmware v0.7 such as adc phase, ADC_PORT_INVERT_VAL and ADC offset half speed value. 3. (Jungfrau) Minimum exposure time of 50 ns was implemented. 4. (Eiger and Jungfrau) They can be configured to have x and y coord values of the detector in their udp header. 5. Resolved Issues ================== Client ------ memory leak for multi threading 1. Compiler flag -std=c++98 enforced. Debug flag removed. 2. If trimen gives different list from different detectors, it returns a -1. 3. Version format for each submodule of the package changed to just date YYMMDD. Users class fixed to give correct version, instead of -1. 4. Getting settings in users class gave -1. Fixed now. 5. (Jungfrau) Programming FPGA now creates the rawbin file from pof in tmp rather than source file location (for permission issues). 6. (Gotthard) ROI segmentation fault fixed. Receiver -------- 1. Silent feature of receiver fixed. 2. Socket descriptor misused earlier for success flag, instead exceptions used that are handled inside the package. 3. Global optind variable initialized to instantiate multiple receivers in same process. Also removed static members to enable this feature. 4. Socket buffer size attempts to set for each acquiistion and provide warning if no capabilities. Warnings can be removed using instruction with error provided. Default Jungfrau UDP socket buffer size if 2 GB, default is 100 MB. 5. Refactored code a bit for performance and robustness, blocking push in buffer between listener and dataprocessor Detector Server --------------- 1. (Jungfrau) Stop server also mapped during a reset. Reading power status instead of user input register for power. 2. (Eiger) Bug fix for saving trimbits to file (Advanced users). 3. (Gotthard 25um) config.txt is not read again after detector startup, no matter the number of times the detector server is restarted. 6. Known Issues =============== Receiver -------- 1. HDF5 compression and filters are not implemented yet. Detector Server --------------- 1. (Eiger) Registers mapped differently between firmware v20 and v22. So, please ensure correct on-board server before switching between firmware versions. Else one cannot ping it anymore. Will need to flash firmware again to recover. 2. (Gotthard) To switch back to all ADC from single ADC ROI, one must take even number of images for the receiver to understand complete images. This will be fixed in the next firmware upgrade. 7. Next Major Release Plans =========================== Client ------ 1. Exceptions thrown to the user to be handled. 2. Compilation using c++11. 3. Support of Mythen II restricted to this major and its minor releases. 4. Restructuring and refactoring of client code.