SLS Detector Package 3.1.1 released on 2018-03-20 ================================================= INTRODUCTION This document describes the differences between 3.1.0 into 3.1.0 releases. Topics Concerning ================== Jungfrau adcphase Eiger in 10 GbE mode Resolved Issues =============== Detector Server and Client -------------------------- 1. (Jungfrau) Bug fix: Same adc phase given to the PLL will still shift adc by one step. One can now give same adc phase repeatedly. Updated Command Line Manual for adcphase and clkdivider. 2. (Eiger) Bug Fix: This bug was introduced in 3.1.0 release. In 10GbE mode, if "detectorip" is before "tengiga", the detector still used the 1G IP (DHCP IP). This is fixed in this release.