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How can the detector movement and position and I0 readout be customized for my beamline?

The easiest way to allow the software to perform all the necessary normalization and angular conversion steps, is enable it to move your detector and read the encoder position and the value of the ionization chamber.
These functions are defines as callbacks and can be redifined by registering your own functions. This is normally a good method if you use the API or are willing to write your main client program.
Otherwise the simpleast way is to edit the file
where the default functions performing these actions are implemented and modify them to interface with your beamline hardware. The functions are written in C and are very simple to implement for anyone with some programming knowledge.
A simple high-level solution in case you need to maintain the software for several beamlines and don't want to recompile for all of them is to call external scripts.

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Thattil Dhanya 2019-04-08