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What is the meaning of the file name?

The final file name will be:
outdir/prefix[_d$ d$ ][_Sv0][_sv1][_pp][_ff]_i.ext
outdir is the output directory path;
prefix is the chosen prefix for the file name;
d is the detector index, in case of data receiver and more than one detector;
v0 is the scan0 variable with the desired precision, if scan0 is enabled;
v1 is the scan1 variable with the desired precision, if scan1 is enabled;
p is the position index, if different positions are configured;
f is the frame index of the first frame stored in the file, if many frames and cycles are configured;
i is the file index;
ext is the file extension e.g. .raw for MYTHEN raw data, .dat for MYTHEN processed data.

Thattil Dhanya 2019-04-08