Use cmake to create out-of-source builds, by creating a build folder parallel to source directory.
$ cd .. $ mkdir slsDetectorPackage-build $ cd slsDetectorPackage-build $ cmake ../slsDetectorPackage -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DSLS_USE_HDF5=OFF $ make
Use the following as an example to compile statically and using specific hdf5 folder
$ HDF5_ROOT=/opt/hdf5v1.10.0 cmake ../slsDetectorPackage -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DSLS_USE_HDF5=ON
After compiling, the libraries and executables will be found at `bin` directory
$ ls bin/ gui_client libSlsDetector.a libSlsReceiver.a sls_detector_acquire sls_detector_get slsDetectorGui sls_detector_help sls_detector_put slsReceiver