Commands to setup the data processing (mainly MYTHEN related)
- flatfield [fn]
sets flatfield file to fn
(relative to ffdir
). returns the flatfield file name relative to ffdir
(string). If
- ffdir [d] Sets/gets the directory in which the flat field file is located.
(string) ffdir
- ratecorr [ns] Returns the dead time used for rate correections in ns (int).
sets the deadtime correction constant in ns, -1 will set it to default tau of settings (0 unset). Returns
(double with 9 decimal digit precision)
- badchannels [fn]
sets the badchannels file to fn
. returns the bad channels file name. If
- angconv [fn]
sets the angular conversion file to fn
. returns the angular conversion file name. If
- globaloff [f] Sets/gets the beamline angular global offset (float).
- fineoff [f] Sets/gets the angular fine offset of the measurement (float).
- binsize [f] Sets/gets the bin size used for the angular conversion (float).
- angdir [i] Sets/gets the angular direction. 1 means increasing channels number as increasing angle, -1 increasing channel number decreasing angle.
- moveflag [i] Sets/gets the flag for physically moving the detector during the acquisition of several positions. 1 sets (moves), 0 unsets.
- samplex [f] Sets/gets the sample displacement in th direction parallel to the beam in um. Unused!
- sampley [f] Sets/gets the sample displacement in th direction orthogonal to the beam in um. Unused!
- threaded [i] Sets/gets the data processing threaded flag. 1 is threaded, 0 unthreaded.
- darkimage fn Loads the dark image to the detector from file fn (pedestal image). Cannot get.
- gainimage fn Loads the gain image to the detector from file fn (gain map for translation into number of photons of an analog detector). Cannot get.