Commands specific for the new chiptest board as pattern generator
- adcinvert [mask] Sets/gets ADC inversion mask (8 digits hex format)
- adcdisable [mask] Sets/gets ADC disable mask (8 digits hex format)
- pattern fn loads binary pattern file fn
- patword addr [word] sets/gets 64 bit word at address addr of pattern memory. Both address and word in hex format. Advanced!
- patioctrl [word] sets/gets 64 bit mask defining input (0) and output (1) signals. hex format.
- patclkctrl [word] sets/gets 64 bit mask defining if output signal is a clock and runs. hex format. Unused at the moment.
- patlimits [addr1 addr2] sets/gets the start and stop limits of the pattern to be executed. hex format. Advanced!
- patloop0 [addr1 addr2] sets/gets the start and stop limits of the level 0 loop. hex format. Advanced!
- patnloop0 [n] sets/gets the number of cyclesof the level 0 loop (int).
- patwait0 [addr] sets/gets the address of the level 0 wait point. hex format. Advanced!
- patwaittime0 [n] sets/gets the duration of the witing of the 0 waiting point in clock cycles (int).
- patloop1 [addr1 addr2] sets/gets the start and stop limits of the level 1 loop. hex format. Advanced!
- patnloop1 [n] sets/gets the number of cyclesof the level 1 loop (int).
- patwait1 [addr] sets/gets the address of the level 1 wait point. hex format. Advanced!
- patwaittime1 [n] sets/gets the duration of the witing of the 1 waiting point in clock cycles (int).
- patloop2 [addr1 addr2] sets/gets the start and stop limits of the level 2 loop. hex format. Advanced!
- patnloop2 [n] sets/gets the number of cyclesof the level 2 loop (int).
- patwait2 [addr] sets/gets the address of the level 2 wait point. hex format. Advanced!
- patwaittime2 [n] sets/gets the duration of the waiting of the 2 waiting point in clock cycles (int).
- dut_clk [i] sets/gets the signal to be used as a clock for the digital data coming from the device under test. Advanced!