Dependencies ========================= While we value few dependencies some libraries are required in order to not have to reinvent the wheel. Due to the state of package management in C++ we decided to bundle some of them with our source code. These are found in the libs/ directory. ----------------------- Core ----------------------- To use the basic building blocks, meaning sls_detector_get/put and the shared libraries these are needed: * Linux, preferably recent kernel (currently no cross platform support) * CMake >= 3.14 * C++11 compatible compiler. (We test with gcc and clang) ----------------------- Python bindings ----------------------- * Python > 3.6 * pybind11 2.11.0 (packaged in libs) .. note :: Refer :ref:`pybind11 notes. ` ----------------------- ZeroMQ ----------------------- * Zeromq 4.3.4 (packaged in libs) .. note :: Refer :ref:`zeromq notes. ` ----------------------- GUI ----------------------- * Qt 5.9 * Qwt 6.1.5 (packaged in libs) ----------------------- Moench executables ----------------------- * libtiff ----------------------- Documentation ----------------------- The documentation that you are reading now is built with * Doxygen (to extract C++ classes etc.) * Breathe (Sphinx plugin to handle doxygen xml) * Sphinx with sphinx_rtd_theme ----------------------- Packaged in libs/ ----------------------- * catch2 (unit testing) * rapidjson (streaming from receiver) * pybind11 (python bindings) * qwt (gui plotting) * libzmq (streaming to/from receiver)