This is the recommended way to install aare. Using a package manager makes it easy to switch between versions and is (one of) the most convenient way to install up to date dependencies on older distributions.
aare is developing rapidly. Check for the latest release by using: conda search aare -c slsdetectorgroup
# Install a specific version:
conda install aare=2024.11.11.dev0 -c slsdetectorgroup
cmake build (development install)¶
If you are working on aare or want to test our a version that doesn’t yet have a conda package. Build using cmake and then run from the build folder.
git clone --branch=v1 #or using http...
mkdir build
cd build
#configure using cmake
cmake ../aare
#build (replace 4 with the number of threads you want to use)
make -j4
# add the build folder to your PYTHONPATH and then you should be able to
# import aare in python
cmake build + install and use in your C++ project¶
When building aare with default settings we also include fmt and nlohmann_json. Installation to a custom location is highly recommended.
It is also possible to install aare with conda and then use in your C++ project.
#build and install aare
git clone --branch=developer #or using http...
mkdir build
cd build
#configure using cmake
cmake ../aare -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/where/to/put/aare
#build (replace 4 with the number of threads you want to use)
make -j4
make install
#Go to your project
cd /your/project/source
#Now configure your project
mkdir build
cd build
cmake options¶
For detailed options see the CMakeLists.txt file in the root directory of the project.
# usage (or edit with ccmake .)
cmake ../aare -DOPTION1=ON -DOPTION2=OFF
AARE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES “Use system libraries” OFF
Use system libraries instead of using FetchContent to pull in dependencies. Default option is off.
AARE_PYTHON_BINDINGS “Build python bindings” ON
Build the Python bindings. Default option is on.
If you have a newer system Python compared to the one in your virtual environment, you might have to pass -DPython_FIND_VIRTUALENV=ONLY to cmake.
AARE_TESTS “Build tests” OFF
Build unit tests. Default option is off.
AARE_EXAMPLES “Build examples” OFF
AARE_DOCS “Build documentation” OFF
Build documentation. Needs doxygen, sphinx and breathe. Default option is off. Requires a separate make docs.
AARE_VERBOSE “Verbose output” OFF
AARE_CUSTOM_ASSERT “Use custom assert” OFF
Enable custom assert macro to check for errors. Default option is off.